The main area of the company's services is accounting staffing.
Entigrity Offshore Staffing exclusively works with Small and Mid-size Accounting Firms, CPAs, and Tax Professionals by providing virtual remote staff for accounting, bookkeeping, or tax preparation. Accounting firms can hire an accountants, certified bookkeepers, Tax Preparers or Associates, or any other accounting professionals or similar roles in remote staff position, having the required knowledge, skill sets, and relevant industry experience for comparatively 75% lesser remuneration than local in-office staff.
For more information about the products and services offered by Entigrity Offshore Staffing's visit our office located at 1600 Highway 6 South, Suite 250, in Sugar Land, TX 77478 (we are open 9:00Am To 5:00Pm), or simply call: (646) 827-4348.
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