The main area of the company's services is research chemicals. SIC Code of JWH018 Research Chemicals Online is 7523. JWH018 Research Chemicals Online has about 50 employees.
Buy research chemicals online from in USA at very good prices with low overnight shipping rates.Our products are of very good quality and have been reviewed positively by many clients.We do accept payment securely and ship from USA upon issue of a tracking number.Packaging is discreet and we also offer our free catalog to all customers so that they can have classified information on the usage of all the products we sell.Delivery is guaranteed and we also have a 100% refund policy. Here is a short list of some of our products: U-47700 HEXEN DIBUTYLONE JWH018 JWH273 2CI MAM-2201 4MMC Mephedrone MVDP A-PVP Etizolam Tony Montana MXE A-PPP 4-MPD MEXEDRONE Crystal Meth Ethylphenidate A-php 4-FMC 2-CI 5-MEO-DALT 5-MEO-MIPT AM-2201 Methylone FUB-AMB MMB-CHMINACA PB-22 5F-PB-22 5F-UR 2-FMA Pentetrone 4-CEC 5F-AKB-48 4CL-PVP 4-MEC Ansomone HGH AB-Fubinaca 5F-AB-Fubinaca Stanozolol AB-PiĂąata 5F-AB-Pinaca MPA PB-8 5-APDB
For more information about the products and services offered by JWH018 Research Chemicals Online's visit our office located at 9204 Richmond Avenue in Houston, TX 77063 (we are open 24/7), or simply call: (806) 414-6866.
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