The main area of the company's services is internal medicine. SIC Code of Dr. Steven M. Pounders, M.D is 8011.
Dr. Steven M. Pounders clinic is one of the most well-known clinic in Dallas, Texas. They have been treating patients over 25 years in the field of HIV. Well caring staff from front desk to senior doctors. Dr Pounders specialized in HIV treatment for all communities. He discovered a way to prevent or protect people from getting HIV from their partners or someone else. All you have to do just come to the clinic for a complete lab test and get started to taking pills for protection.
For more information about the products and services offered by Dr. Steven M. Pounders, M.D's visit our office located at 3500 Oak Lawn Ave., Ste. 600 in Dallas, TX 75219 (we are open 8:00 am), or simply call: (214) 520-8833.
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