The main area of the company's services is tax professional. SIC Code of Lavin and Associates is 5713.
Lavin and Associate is well known CPA firm and tax professional, established in the year 1987. L&A is a group of experienced personnel who serve as a tax consultant to individuals and small businesspersons. L&A had service for more than 32 years and now looks to expand worldwide with present offices in White Plains, NY and Delray Beach, FL and services clients nationwide. Lavin and Associate are keen on giving any solution regarding finances and here are some our services available 1. Individual Tax Preparation 2. Business Tax Preparation 3. Bookkeeping & Accounting 4. Consulting
For more information about the products and services offered by Lavin and Associates's visit our office located at 50 Main Street, 10th Floor, in White Plains, NY 10606 (we are open 12 Hours), or simply call: (914) 682-2102.
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