Unique Estimating LLC Bufallo

Zenner St, Bufallo, NY 14211

(716) 400-0213

5 from 2 reviews. Click on star to vote!
Unique Estimating LLC Unique Estimating LLC from Bufallo, New York is services business located at Zenner St Bufallo, NY 14211 USA. Unique Estimating LLC is categorized under .

The main area of the company's services is estimation services. SIC Code of Unique Estimating LLC is 1700.

Unique Estimating LLC in Bufallo business details

?The last known location of Unique Estimating LLC from Bufallo. To update or remove this address, please contact us.
Zenner St, Bufallo, NY 14211
?Unique Estimating LLC contact phone number is 7164000213.
(716) 400-0213
?SIC Code 1700 is four digit numerical code assigned to identify the primary business.
Jack Wilson
?Opening hours of Unique Estimating LLC. If you have more accurate data of this business opening time, please contact us.
Mon-Friday 9-5
?An approximate price range for products or services offered by the company.
$1 - $999

Hi, What we do? We are providers of accurate quantity take-offs, costing and profit estimation/forecasting before the beginning of contract at minimal prices as compared to other similar service providers. If you are a Builder/Developer, Subcontractor, Tradesman or Home-Owner Builder, our facilitation can be of great help for you in saving your valuable time and cost. Our estimation services encompass both Residential and Commercial Projects. Why choose us? * We boast of an experience of 15 years of cost estimation in all over UK, USA, Canada & Ireland * We offer 98 percent accuracy with refund policy in case of any error or discrepancy in the estimated quantities. * Our team consists of experienced estimators and civil engineers working on highly rated & professional software’s. * We offer our services at economical cost as compared to market rates. * We are offering 50 percent discount on first 3 jobs and for further projects, it will be 25 percent. * Client's satisfaction is our first priority as we believe in building a long term business relationships. How to get started? * All you are required to do is to just send us the plans and the scope of work. * We will reply you with a quotation for price and turnaround time on that promptly. * If the quotation is acceptable for you, we will move ahead with the detailed work. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in getting started so we can share some sample estimates and take-offs for your review and better understanding of our work.

For more information about the products and services offered by Unique Estimating LLC's visit our office located at Zenner St in Bufallo, NY 14211 (we are open Mon-Friday 9-5), or simply call: (716) 400-0213.

Unique Estimating LLC Bufallo Services, Bufallo estimation services, in Bufallo

Unique Estimating LLC reviews.

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