The main area of the company's services is personal injury attorney. SIC Code of Kathleen A. Sigurdson Attorney At Law is 8111.
The Reno personal injury law firm of Kathleen A. Sigurdson represents injured people, both those hurt on the job and those injured through the neglect of others. We regularly appear in courts throughout Northern Nevada, including those in Washoe, Humboldt, Pershing, Churchill, Storey, Lyon, and Nye Counties.
Our legal team has developed strong relationships with the other attorneys, clerks and judges in Reno. Our commitment to justice and understanding of the system allows us to represent clients without wasting time or resources. Our firm includes an experienced injury lawyer supported by a team of staff members who have the knowledge, skills, and dedication to ensure that you are treated with fairness.
For more information about the products and services offered by Kathleen A. Sigurdson Attorney At Law 's visit our office located at 1440 Haskell Street in Reno, NV 89509, or simply call: (775) 337-0300.
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