The main area of the company's services is premier tax attorney. SIC Code of Randolph Law Firm, P.C. is 8111.
Taylor Randolph excels in the representation of individuals and businesses in legal and financial matters, assisting clients in resolving their financial and debt problems. Randolph Law Firm provides personalized, realistic and practical solutions for the full range tax issues. Tax law is highly complex and difficult to navigate, and you should never go alone against the IRS. Our team of tax attorneys, former IRS employees, agents and support staff provide non-judgmental legal and tax representation for individuals and businesses. Our substantial knowledge of tax law and extensive courtroom experience can help you achieve the best possible outcome for your situation.
For more information about the products and services offered by Randolph Law Firm, P.C.'s visit our office located at 6260 N. Durango Drive in Las Vegas, NV 89149, or simply call: (702) 757-7777.
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