The main area of the company's services is event management software. SIC Code of Eventdex is 0775. Eventdex has about 150 employees.
Eventdex offers a complete suite of integrated event management software aimed at delivering great user experiences and high ROIs to event planners. It is the only App-First cloud-based platform to have automated the entire event lifecycle. This unique offering provides exceptional benefits for Event Registration, Business Match-Making, Onsite-Management, Lead Retrieval and the overall 360-degree view of the Event Management process.
For more information about the products and services offered by Eventdex's visit our office located at 281 State Route 79,, Suite #208 in Morganville, NJ 07751 (we are open 9:00 Am To 5:00 Pm), or simply call: (732) 333-5848.
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