Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats Detroit

12301 Conant St, Detroit, MI 48212(313) 368-2500

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Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats from Detroit, Michigan is food business located at 12301 Conant St Detroit, MI 48212 USA. Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats is categorized under .

The main area of the company's services is seafood distributor. SIC Code of Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats is 4821.

Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats in Detroit business details

?The last known location of Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats from Detroit. To update or remove this address, please contact us.
12301 Conant St, Detroit, MI 48212
?Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats contact phone number is 3133682500.
(313) 368-2500
?SIC Code 4821 is four digit numerical code assigned to identify the primary business.
?Opening hours of Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats. If you have more accurate data of this business opening time, please contact us.
Monday-Friday 5AM–3PM
?An approximate price range for products or services offered by the company.
$1 - $999

Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats is the leading wholesale provider of fresh, frozen seafood and meat items. Northern Lakes has a variety of types which we source from all over the world. Quality always matters and to ensure it we always try to provide the best product for you. You will be glad to know that we are HACCP and USDA certified which are proof of our quality and high standards. NSF-Cook & Thurber Company (a global provider of quality and safety audits for foods) gives us more than 95 percent rating for our seafood and meat items during food audits. We always are looking for new opportunities to supply customers satisfying in-demand fish, seafood and meat. We also offer advanced food packaging to ensure the best quality of seafood.

For more information about the products and services offered by Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats's visit our office located at 12301 Conant St in Detroit, MI 48212 (we are open Monday-Friday 5AM–3PM), or simply call: (313) 368-2500.

Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats Detroit Food, Detroit seafood distributor, in Detroit, Seafood Distributor, Food distributor, Food Distributor

Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats reviews.

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