Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. Gambrills

206 Gambrills Rd, Gambrills, MD 21054

(410) 923-5800

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Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. from Gambrills, Maryland is services business located at 206 Gambrills Rd Gambrills, MD 21054 USA. Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. is categorized under carpentry work.

The main area of the company's services is cabinet refacing. SIC Code of Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. is 1751.

Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. in Gambrills business details

?The last known location of Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. from Gambrills. To update or remove this address, please contact us.
206 Gambrills Rd, Gambrills, MD 21054
?Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. contact phone number is 4109235800.
(410) 923-5800
?SIC Code 1751 is four digit numerical code assigned to identify the primary business.
Ken Gottschalk
?Opening hours of Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc.. If you have more accurate data of this business opening time, please contact us.
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
?An approximate price range for products or services offered by the company.
$1 - $999

For over 25 years, Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. has been the leading kitchen cabinet refacer serving all of Maryland, Washington, DC, and northern Virginia. Through excellent standards and well practiced expertise, Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. has exceeded over 5,000 customer expectations to improve the functionality and beauty of their kitchen in a timely and cost effective manor. We will not substitute quality of materials, old fashioned craftsmanship and a commitment to on-time installation for any short term gains. As certified Kitchen Designers, we are able to incorporate existing cabinets with our own cabinets, cover all the exteriors with quality materials to match and replace door and drawer fronts to create an outstanding designer kitchen. We have the ability to convert doors to drawers, extend cabinets to ceilings, add customer cabinets, cut down cabinets, provide under cabinet lighting, remove interior walls and more. Contact today for more information!

For more information about the products and services offered by Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc.'s visit our office located at 206 Gambrills Rd in Gambrills, MD 21054 (we are open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm), or simply call: (410) 923-5800.

Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. Gambrills Services, Gambrills cabinet refacing, Carpentry Work in Gambrills, Cabinet Refacing, Cabinet Refacers, Kitchen Cabinets, Bathroom Cabinets, Cabinets, Kitchen Makeover, Kitchen Makeover

Kitchen Magic Refacers, Inc. reviews.

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