15 Church Street, Salem, MA 01970
(978) 397-0011The main area of the company's services is criminal defense. SIC Code of The Law Offices of Paul R. Moraski is 8111. The Law Offices of Paul R. Moraski has about 10 employees.
Attorney Moraski specializes exclusively in Criminal Defense. He understands that being charged with a Criminal Offense can be a frightening and humiliating experience. After you have been arrested, the police and prosecutors have already made the decision that there is enough evidence to convict you of the crime you are charged with. Experienced prosecutors and law enforcement officers will pursue your criminal case relentlessly.
For more information about the products and services offered by The Law Offices of Paul R. Moraski's visit our office located at 15 Church Street in Salem, MA 01970 (we are open Open 24 Hours a day), or simply call: (978) 397-0011.
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