The main area of the company's services is social security disability attorney. SIC Code of Michael Monce Attorney at Law is 8111.
If you need help and are looking for an experienced Social Security Disability Lawyer in Northern Kentucky or Ohio, who can assist you in navigating the sometimes very complex process of applying for Social Security Disability benefits, then call the law-office of Michael Monce. We will assist you in your initial claim and at the reconsideration level, and we will also represent you at a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge if this becomes necessary. In addition, there is no charge for your first visit, and there also is no attorney fee unless your claim is allowed by the Social Security Administration for Social Security Disability benefits. Located in Northern Kentucky and serving the Northern Kentucky as well as Greater Cincinnati area, the Law Firm of Michael Monce has legal expertise in the following areas: Social Security Disability Law Long-Term Disability Law Railroad Retirement Disability Law Veterans Disability Benefits Kentucky Worker's Compensation Law
For more information about the products and services offered by Michael Monce Attorney at Law's visit our office located at 3161 Dixie Highway, Suite C in Erlanger, KY 41018 (we are open Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm), or simply call: (859) 344-8090.
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