The main area of the company's services is hydrotherapy product. SIC Code of H2O For Fitness is 5047.
H2O for Fitness introduces underwater treadmills to supercharge any rehabilitation effort or workout. Our American made products are designed with the health and wellness of our users in mind. We offer underwater treadmills that are affordable, easy to use, easy to lift and provide the largest interior space available on the market today. Hydrotherapy Products: 1. The Mirage - Underwater Treadmill for Humans 2. The Oasis - Underwater Treadmill for Canines Looking for more information? Or do you have a few questions? Contact us or find out more about our products and offers H2O For Fitness Phone No: 1-877-296-0186 Email: Web site:
For more information about the products and services offered by H2O For Fitness's visit our office located at 1237 East Wallace Street in Fort Wayne, IN 46803 (we are open Monday to Friday 9-6 pm.), or simply call: (877) 296-0186.
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