The main area of the company's services is commercial office space. SIC Code of CoWorkers LLC is 6512.
CoWorkers LLC is a shared professional office space and networking place in downtown Wilmette. Located steps from the Wilmette Metro station in a landmark downtown building, CoWorkers provides members with a convenient, spacious and productive work environment. It has 2,000 square feet of workspace with a combination of open and private work areas, equipped with high-speed Internet, power stations, and conference projection capabilities, and available for networking and professional events. Let us improve your work/life balance with another place to work
For more information about the products and services offered by CoWorkers LLC's visit our office located at 1167 Wilmette Ave in Wilmette, IL 60091 (we are open Sunday 7am to 9pm Monday 7am to 9pm Tuesday 7am to 9pm Wednesday), or simply call: (773) 209-2489.
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