The main area of the company's services is immigration and nationality law. SIC Code of The Shapiro Law Group is 8111.
Lawyers helping businesses and families navigate domestic and international immigration challenges. The Shapiro Law Group can help you or your employees overcome legal barriers to working and living in the United States. Our attorneys will handle your immigration needs with thorough attention to detail and the efficiency that comes with experience. Immigration lawyer Ronald Shapiro has practiced exclusively in this field more than 30 years, with special focus in H work visas, H-1C nurse visas, and L-1 intra-company transfers on behalf of U.S.
For more information about the products and services offered by The Shapiro Law Group's visit our office located at 900 Skokie Boulevard Suite 240 in Northbrook, IL 60062, or simply call: (847) 564-0712.
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