1862 185th St, Lansing, IL 60438
(773) 394-2727The main area of the company's services is white glove delivery. SIC Code of EDC Transportation is 4214.
When looking at the logo of ED&C Transportation, the first thing you notice is the hand shake. We refer to this as the Gentlemanâs hand shake. A term once used by parties to seal a contract, agreement, or deal. A time when chivalry and integrity was the norm. This hand shake is backed by a total of 23 years of superior customer service and professionalism in the transportation industry. Our staff is backed by years of experience in customer service and logistics, so we are eager to and more than capable to provide a solution to your needs. This is done by our friendly and fast staff with professionalism. We strive to give you a service you can depend on time and again. ED&C specializes in same day delivery services and in JIT (Just In Time Deliveries), line down deliveries, dedicated route deliveries, we also have a superior safety rating in operating heavy vehicles regulated by D.O.T. (Department of Transportation).
For more information about the products and services offered by EDC Transportation's visit our office located at 1862 185th St in Lansing, IL 60438 (we are open 9am - 6pm), or simply call: (773) 394-2727.
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