Pelican Containers Miami

1111 Kane Concourse Suite 518 Bay Harbor Islands, Miami, FL 33154

(305) 985-4604

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Pelican Containers Pelican Containers from Miami, Florida is industry business located at 1111 Kane Concourse Suite 518 Bay Harbor Islands Miami, FL 33154 USA. Pelican Containers is categorized under .

The main area of the company's services is container trading. SIC Code of Pelican Containers is 3315. Pelican Containers has about 50 employees.

Pelican Containers in Miami business details

?The last known location of Pelican Containers from Miami. To update or remove this address, please contact us.
1111 Kane Concourse Suite 518 Bay Harbor Islands, Miami, FL 33154
?Pelican Containers contact phone number is 3059854604.
(305) 985-4604
?SIC Code 3315 is four digit numerical code assigned to identify the primary business.
?Opening hours of Pelican Containers. If you have more accurate data of this business opening time, please contact us.
9 am To 6pm
?An approximate price range for products or services offered by the company.
$1000 - $1000

Pelican Containers is the brainchild of a bunch of supply-chain enthusiasts who realized the importance of quality ISO containers for smooth logistics movements. Since our inception, we’ve been providing new and used shipping containers for sale and delivery at the best prices. Our numerous offices and warehouses across the globe are able to serve our customers from any location. Our containers are made from robust corrugated steel and marine-grade plywood, making them weather, pest and burglar proof. These strong and secure boxes are available in numerous sizes and shapes to serve every storage and transportation needs. Moreover, our talented workforce, offering container conversion, is able to modify any container as per your requirement.

For more information about the products and services offered by Pelican Containers's visit our office located at 1111 Kane Concourse Suite 518 Bay Harbor Islands in Miami, FL 33154 (we are open 9 am To 6pm), or simply call: (305) 985-4604.

Pelican Containers Miami Industry, Miami container trading, in Miami, shipping containers, storage containers, cargo containers, freight containers, used shipping containers, containers for sale

Pelican Containers reviews.

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