13088 Potts Dr., San Jose, CA 95111
(408) 225-1705The main area of the company's services is roofing. SIC Code of Falcon Roofing is 1705.
Our roofing technicians specialize in all types of roofing including roof repairs, roof replacements, roof inspections and even roof cleaning. Falcon Roofing was founded on one basic principal: Focus on helping homeowners solve their roofing problems, that is why we understand that proper workmanship requires the use of skilled professional roofing technicians.
For more information about the products and services offered by Falcon Roofing's visit our office located at 13088 Potts Dr. in San Jose, CA 95111 (we are open Mon-Fri 9:00 AM to 5:00 pm), or simply call: (408) 225-1705.
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