Erik Anderso Playa Vista Therapy from Playa Vista, California is health business located at 11949 Jefferson Blvd #102 Playa Vista, CA 90230 USA. Erik Anderso Playa Vista Therapy is categorized under offices and clinics of health practitioners nec.
The main area of the company's services is mental health therapy. SIC Code of Erik Anderso Playa Vista Therapy is 8049.
Erik Anderso Playa Vista Therapy in Playa Vista business details
?The last known location of Erik Anderso Playa Vista Therapy from Playa Vista. To update or remove this address, please contact us.
?An approximate price range for products or services offered by the company.
$0 - $1000
Hello, my name is Erik and I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California. I help couples with marriage counseling and also individuals with depression, anxiety and a wide range of mental challenges. I love helping people and want to show them how we can work together to bring peace back into their lives.
For more information about the products and services offered by Erik Anderso Playa Vista Therapy's visit our office located at 11949 Jefferson Blvd #102 in Playa Vista, CA 90230 (we are open M-F 10am-4pm), or simply call: (323) 283-9207.
Erik Anderso Playa Vista Therapy Playa Vista Health, Playa Vista mental health therapy, Offices and Clinics of Health Practitioners NEC in Playa Vista, mental health, therapy
Erik Anderso Playa Vista Therapy reviews.
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