The main area of the company's services is psychiatric consultations. SIC Code of Mali Mann MD is 7371. Mali Mann MD has about 100 employees.
A psychiatric consultation is a comprehensive evaluation of the psychological, biological, medical and social causes of emotional distress. Together you and Dr. Mali Mann MD, and other clinicians at Gateway Psychiatric Services Mood Disorders Clinic will review your current stresses and problems and any past medical or psychiatric conditions. This information, as well as any necessary medical records and laboratory tests, will lead to the formulation of a comprehensive treatment plan.
For more information about the products and services offered by Mali Mann MD's visit our office located at 550 Hamilton Ave #329 in Palo Alto, CA 94301 (we are open Monday-Friday 10 am / 6 pm Saturday - Sunday by Request Only), or simply call: (650) 325-8762.
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