Primo Anchorage

12870 Old Seward Hwy Suite 105, Anchorage, AK 99515

(907) 336-2837

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Primo Primo from Anchorage, Alaska is health business located at 12870 Old Seward Hwy Suite 105 Anchorage, AK 99515 USA. Primo is categorized under .

The main area of the company's services is cannabis store. SIC Code of Primo is 9951. Primo has about 1 employees.

Primo in Anchorage business details

?The last known location of Primo from Anchorage. To update or remove this address, please contact us.
12870 Old Seward Hwy Suite 105, Anchorage, AK 99515
?Primo contact phone number is 9073362837.
(907) 336-2837
?SIC Code 9951 is four digit numerical code assigned to identify the primary business.
?Opening hours of Primo. If you have more accurate data of this business opening time, please contact us.
Mon-Fri, Sun: 10AM11:50PM; Sat: 12AM-11:50PM
?An approximate price range for products or services offered by the company.
$10 - $100

Go to the best cannabis store in Anchorage now! Anchorage may be known for its natural beauty and rugged terrain, but now we have something new to offer. With the legalization of recreational marijuana, Anchorage has seen an influx of cannabis stores, but one stands out from the rest - a cannabis store like Primo that focuses on the health and wellness benefits of hemp products. This store is a haven for those looking for natural remedies and alternative therapies. In this article, you will explore the unique features of a cannabis store and the benefits of hemp products. Benefits of visiting a cannabis store in Anchorage Anchorages cannabis stores are more than just a place to buy weed. Its a place where you can find a wide range of high-quality hemp products, including oils, tinctures, topicals, and edibles. Here are some of the features that make a cannabis store in Anchorage stand out: Wide range of products: Cannabis stores offer a wide range of hemp products, including oils, tinctures, topicals, and edibles. Whether youre looking for a natural remedy for pain, anxiety, or insomnia, or you want to try CBD products for the first time, these stores have something for everyone. Quality assurance: All products sold at these cannabis stores must be lab tested to ensure purity and potency. This means you must trust that youre getting a safe and effective product. Knowledgeable staff: Their staff must be knowledgeable about hemp products and help you choose the right product for your needs. They must also answer any questions you have about the benefits of hemp products. The benefits of hemp products in Anchorage Hemp products have gained popularity in recent years for their health and wellness benefits. Here are some of the benefits of hemp products: Pain relief: Hemp products, particularly CBD oil, have been shown to help relieve pain. CBD interacts with the bodys endocannabinoid system to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Anxiety and depression: Hemp products, particularly CBD, have been shown to help alleviate anxiety and depression. CBD interacts with the bodys serotonin receptors, which regulate mood and social behavior. Sleep aid: Hemp products, particularly CBD, have been shown to help improve sleep quality. CBD interacts with the bodys endocannabinoid system to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, which can lead to better sleep. Skin health: Hemp products, particularly topicals, have been shown to help improve skin health. CBD topicals can help reduce inflammation and redness, as well as soothe dry and irritated skin. Cannabis stores offer a unique experience for those looking for a dispensary near me. With a wide range of high-quality hemp products and knowledgeable staff, these stores are a haven for those looking to improve their health and wellness. Whether youre looking for pain relief, anxiety, depression relief, sleep aid, or skin health, hemp products in Anchorage offer a natural and effective solution.

For more information about the products and services offered by Primo's visit our office located at 12870 Old Seward Hwy Suite 105 in Anchorage, AK 99515 (we are open Mon-Fri, Sun: 10AM11:50PM; Sat: 12AM-11:50PM), or simply call: (907) 336-2837.

Primo Anchorage Health, Anchorage cannabis store, in Anchorage, hemp products in Anchorage, dispensary near me, cannabis store in Anchorage, hemp products

Primo reviews.

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